Our Services

How Biomagnetism for Life helps clients achieve a radiant state of well-being.

Biomagnetic Pairs Therapy

Using our non-invasive biomagnetic pairs therapy, we provide health-restoring sessions that target the root causes of life’s many aliments. New clients begin with a comprehensive 1-on-1 intake and 30minute therapy session. From there, clients follow an individualized, cost-effect therapy plan.


New client - $100 1-on-1 intake + 30min therapy

Each therapy session — $100, 15min consult + 45min therapy

Well-being pack — Prepaid pack of 7 therapy sessions at $85 each

Life Enhancing Body Scanner (LEBS)

We offer Life Enhancing Body Scanner (LEBS) sessions to further understand and navigate your lifestyle needs. This cost-effect and non-invasive modality provides a holistic view into your health through our on-screen viewing sessions. New or returning clients can add LEBS sessions to their therapy plan or as a stand alone service.


LEBS frequency modality — $300, 1-3hours person dependent + frequency therapy

LEBS energy modality — $250, 1hour + energy modality recommendation readout

Vitality pack — $400, Prepaid combination of both LEBS modalities